Going the Extra Mile

01 | Hari Hasanah

Hari Hasanah is a day where Khazanah, together with Yayasan Hasanah, Yayasan Khazanah, Khazanah Research Institute, Think City, our network of partners and our staff contribute their time and effort to do good deeds for the benefit of others. It’s held annually between Hari Kebangsaan and Hari Malaysia. We welcome you to do your own act of kindness on Hari Hasanah this September. As long as it comes from the heart, even a simple act can go a long way. Here are some of the photos from last year’s Hari Hasanah!

02 | Khazanah & Hasanah CR Efforts

Every year, Yayasan Hasanah and Khazanah join forces to ensure communities in need — be it within the country or abroad — receive aid during vulnerable times. Throughout 2019, a grand total of RM201,940 in humanitarian relief was channelled to those who required them the most. Below are two of the collaborative efforts we undertook.

Working alongside the National Centre For Community Rehabilitation, support in the sum of USD35,000 assisted injured and disabled children from GMR (Great March of Return) demonstration and Gaza Strip respectively. Health and rehabilitation services benefited 100 children with disabilities for six month besides provision of assistive devices pending needs assessment, and awareness building for 200 caregivers focused on the needs and rights of children under their care. 

On the home front, we partnered the Malaysian Relief Agency and HRDF (Human Resources Development Fund Malaysia) to provide support to 507 people rendered homeless as a result of a fire in Kg. Otentik Tawau, Sabah. The survivors of the fire that engulfed 87 wooden houses received aid in the form of non-food essentials such as school uniforms, blankets and diapers.


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