2019 Key Highlights


KRI Hosted / Produced

knowledge sharing events
discussion papers
RM 0 M
in 2019
RM 0 M
in total

spent on policy, research and advocacy


RM 0 M

to preserve Malaysia’s pristine forests and natural biodiversity

RM10mil of the allocation will be utilised as a matching grant against private sector contributions towards conversation and biodiversity initiatives which includes CFS and Heart of Borneo initiatives

Hasanah seeks to influence Malaysia’s civil society ecosystem through leadership or advisory
roles in national bodies and/or representation in speaking engagements


for matters or topics such as natural resource management, environment and climate change, national cultural policy, festival of arts, biological diversity, Malaysia’s food heritage, to name a few


locally and abroad, by Managing Director as well as Impact Area Heads, ranging on topics such as humanitarian issues, education, Central Forest Spine, moral
imagination, empowering youth


A Driving Force

2019 saw Khazanah Research Institute (KRI) organise fourteen events and release four publications, 12 discussion papers and 23 opinion articles on various matters pertinent to the nation, pursuant to the aspirations of this institute established by Khazanah.

Rigorous and impartial data-founded analysis, fostering of understanding through discussions amongst thought leaders and industry experts as well as advocating the knowledge acquired, form the cornerstones of KRI’s work leading up to policy recommendations. Its ultimate aim, to improve the well-being of Malaysians.

This Hasanah-funded non-profit organisation’s areas of research include issues such as inequality, housing and cities, growth, international trade, jobs, demography, technology, food and agriculture, public health, society and gender.

The stepping stones to long-term, impactful change are found  in the pages of comprehensive research papers and in the hours of brainstorming which contribute to efficacious  and powerful policy-making.  Khazanah Research Institute sits at the core of this important process.

26 February 2019

Exodus from Plantation: Spatial and Occupational Mobility of Plantation Families

A brown bag seminar by Dr Athi Sivan T Mariappan who studied migration movements away by impoverished Indian families in Selangor to better understand factors driving the massive outmigration from plantations in the post-1970s era.

15 August 2019

School Feeding Program and Other Mass Nutrition Initiatives

A panel discussion involving Dr Wan Abdul Manan Wan Muda, former visiting senior fellow of KRI, Prof Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Senior Research Advisor of KRI, Dr Nungsari Ahmad Radhi, chairman of KRI, Puan Faridah Yang Razali, Timbalan Pengarah Bahagian Pengurusan Sekolah Harian (Murid), Ministry of Education, Puan Zaiton Daud, Deputy Director, Nutrition Division, Ministry of Health and Professor Mirnalini Kandiah, Professor of Public Health Nutrition, UCSI. It addressed limitations of the current school feeding programmes and proposed new courses of action.

23 September 2019

Demarcating Malaysian Households: An Integrated Income and Consumption Analysis

A roundtable discussion sharing a discussion paper titled Demarcating Households: An Integrated Income and Consumption Analysis which offers an alternative perspective to the existing classification of Malaysian households by B40, M40 and T20 groups.

3 October 2019

Re-configuring the Care Economy for Gender Convergence,

Knowledge sharing that included a keynote address by Dr Jayati Ghosh, Professor of Economics at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University on care work — mostly performed by women, migrants or those at the lower end of the social spectrum — and issues pertaining to it.


Launched on 10 April, a report on The Status of the Paddy and Rice Industry in Malaysia explored crucial points of interest across the entire rice supply chain namely food security, paddy varieties, trust between millers and farmers and rice consumption. Led by Dr Sarena Che Omar, Research Associate, the reports studied not only the challenges inundating the industry at each level but also its history and statistical trends, in addition to engaging with key stakeholders and providing suggestions in charting a way forward.

Titled Rethinking Housing: Between State, Market and Society, this report examined the housing sector in pursuit of policies that matter to home owners and renters, real estate developers and contractors, financial institutions and government agencies. Propounding the notion that it is inadequate to narrowly focus on either the welfare aspect of housing or the asset accumulation aspect alone, the report launched in 25 April 2019 calls for a comprehensive housing agenda recognising it as both a basic need and a base for asset accumulation, hence guiding and managing the housing sector as a whole.

Knowledge sharing has been widely acknowledged to be a critical catalyst for strengthening countries’ capacities in achieving Sustainable Development Goals. At Hasanah, we are committed to investing in knowledge generation and sharing to create a cycle of learning in order to strengthen institutions, government systems, and build capacities of individuals to ensure equitable socio-economic growth for all Malaysians.

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